
Sunday, 16 December 2018

How Electricity Has Become A Life Force

Our Honourable Prime Minister Of India, Mr. Narendra Modi has brought in Electrical Revolution in our country by bringing out schemes. The government is implementing one of the most progressive schemes in that is the "Soubhagya" which is also known as the Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli HarGhar Yojana, which aims at the electrification of homes all over India by the year 2018. This scheme is meant to focus on poor people and bringing electricity to them, with a free electricity connection. Those who are above the poverty line only have to pay a small amount to 500 rupees which can be done in instalments to make it even easier for them. However, there are several questions concerning the feasibility of this scheme as it may not be possible to really know who can be classified as poor on the basis of the data from the census that has been taken in the year 2011.

A lot of people simply cannot imagine a life devoid of electricity, and it goes without saying that electricity is the reason why most of us are able to do our daily activities. In fact, our entire life literally runs on electricity whether it is something as simple as turning the lights on at night, or the air-conditioning on a hot day or a heater on a cold day. We are so dependent on electricity that we cannot do without it. Whether it is a mobile charger, a music system, a laptop or just the indoor lighting, we need electricity to run our lives. A kitchen usually has a lot of electrical equipment such as electric chimneys, ovens, mixers, blenders, and so on. Therefore it is necessary also to remember that electricity is something that we cannot do without whether it is for running a house, a hospital, a commercial establishment or a public utility (even something like street lights) — every sector in the economy, whether it is the primary, secondary or tertiary sector, from the medical to the entertainment industry to the hotel industry.

The Current Scenario In India

While nations across the world are looking for various alternative sources of electricity, such as nuclear power as an alternative to hydroelectric power, there are several challenges that have to be faced, especially in a country like India which is a developing country.  Recent estimates have shown that in a total of 25 crore houses, 4 crore households haven't yet been electrified. This shows a rather dismal scene, and hence the government has been doing its best to ensure that it makes electricity accessible to all.

Electricity has been a significant issue for several states in India. The soubhagya scheme is estimated to have a total outlay of around 16320 crore rupees, and the central government is mostly in charge of this. Most, unfortunately, there has been no undertaking of any new power project, and many states in India are short of power. It is, therefore, necessary that the states of India become increasingly self-reliant. Another factor that is causing a huge impact is the increase in the demand for power. The entire economy runs on power. Whether it is the agricultural sector, or the industrial sector or the services sector, electricity is exceptionally vital for it to run. There is no doubt that the National Power Grid Corporation has a very crucial role to play here. Transmission of electricity from one place to another is not easy as it requires a tremendous amount of electricity being lost over the course of transmitting it from one location to another. There have been several cases of thermal power stations being forced to shut down because the cost of the resources are extremely high and therefore unviable in the long term.

To counter this alarming situation, it is better to opt for alternative sources of energy, especially from renewable sources. While non-renewable sources of energy such as petrol, coal, gas or oil can run out in the not so distant future, therefore it is better to look for renewable energy sources such as wind energy, solar energy, tidal energy and so on. Another significant benefit of renewable energy is that it is entirely pollution free, and this is a considerable factor that decides how far we will be able to use it in the future. Some state governments are taking the initiative for it, and hence it gives us hope that renewable energy sources are a better long-term option. A classic example of this is the Cochin international airport which has been running entirely on solar energy since 2015. Hence it should be noted that renewable sources of power are something that needs be looked at seriously for the future.

All said and done, and there is no doubt that electricity is a vital part of our life from something as
critical as ICU units where many medical apparatuses such as life support, dialysis machines and other critical medical procedures need electricity to function. The same goes for all other sectors of the economy, such as railway networks and engines, public utilities, banking and finance, hospitality and management, industries and manufacturing as well as the basic human needs such as heating and lighting, as well as entertainment like the TV and other devices all of which need electricity to run. Whether it is something as essential as a street light, or a home alarm system or something like communication and technology, it is virtually impossible to live without electricity. We depend on it for almost all our needs. All commercial establishments need computers and technology and the internet, and this is not possible without having electricity. Now in the age of mobile phones, even something basic like charging a phone will require power. The same can be said about every area and every sector in the economy. While people have completely become dependent on technology, the sum and substances of these changes are that we need electricity to survive. However, power can also be got through from renewable energy sources such as sunlight which can easily be channelled to ensure that it fulfils all the basic needs as can be seen in the case of the Cochin International Airports.

This article was written by Naren,, who works for Nantech Power Systems Pvt Ltd.

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